Dominican University College

  • The Dominican University College Library comprises of a collection of around 120,000 books in theology and philosophy with a good collection in related subjects such as: languages, literature, history and sciences. Our library invests a lot in complete series of ancient authors, such as the Loeb Classical Library, the Collection des universités de France, Sources Chrétiennes, Corpus Christianorum, as well as a number of series in biblical studies. A sizeable proportion of our library collection is also dedicated to medieval philosophy and theology, especially Thomas Aquinas. Our library has subscriptions to numerous specialized journals that are not found elsewhere in our region.


    96 Empress Ave
    Ottawa ON K1R 7G3

    Library Type:
    Access Type:
    Loan Period:

    15 jours


    5 documents checked out at a time (only 1 renewal possible)

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