The Cégep de l’Outaouais library has more than 100,000 documents, many of which have been selected by professors, specialists in the disciplines taught at the Cégep. Therefore, the collections include documents related to study programs, but also publications by Cégep employees, documents on today's issues as well as a large number of fictions including finalists for several literary awards, popular titles and suggestions from À go on lit!
Address:Library, Local 2.605, Campus Gabrielle-Roy
333 Boulevard de la Cité-des-Jeunes
Gatineau QC J8Y6M4
CanadaTelephoneLibrary Type:CollegeAccess Type:Loan Period:4 items checked out at a time
Restrictions:We lend only monographs, DVDs, mangas, comic books, CD of music and other sound recordings as well as oversize books located in the Gabrielle-Roy and Félix-Leclerc campus library (we do not lend items located in the departmental collections, the Jurithèque, rooms 1042 or 2321, Reboul or elsewhere, nor reference documents, periodicals and audiovisual devices).